Chump Magic x Cisco Systems, Inc.
Mural Art • Digital Illustration

Chump Magic Cisco Systems Mural Image Two
Chump Magic Cisco Systems Mural Image Three

Chump Magic x The Expendables
Poster Design • Hand Drawn Ink and Digital Colors

Chump Magic x Barefoot Truth
Poster Art • Hand Drawn Ink and Digital Colors

Chump Magic x Creature Skateboards
Skateboard Art • Hand Drawn Ink and Digital Colors

Chump Magic Barefoot Truth Poster
Chump Magic Creature Skateboards Skate Deck

Chump Magic x New Kingston
Album Art • Hand Drawn Ink with Digital Colors

Chump Magic x California Roots
T-shirt Design • Hand Drawn Ink and Digital Colors

Chump Magic x Sylence and Ariginal
Album Art • Hand Drawn Ink and Custom "SCLA" Font with Digital Colors

Chump Magic New Kingston Kingston City Album Art
Chump Magic California Roots Music and Arts Festival Design
Chump Magic Santa Cruz Hip Hop Album Art

Chump Magic x MERGE4 x San Diego Zoo
Socks Design • Digital Illustration

That is it for now. I hope you enjoyed viewing my work. If you wish to view more examples of my work, you can visit additional portfolios by clicking the buttons below or by viewing my profiles on social media (@chumpmagic).

If you need a Santa Cruz illustrator, please feel free to reach out to me regarding my availability. You can email me by clicking the mail icon in the lower right corner of the page (or click here to email me for your next art or illustration project). Thanks for taking an interest in my work.

Artwork Collection

A collections of sketches, artwork and other personal projects


Graphic Design Portfolio

A collection of graphics and designs done for various clients
